How can you strengthen your immune system during extreme stress?


Stress and anxiety have become a mainstream topic for workplace wellbeing. But with viruses and other bacterias, we are facing a loss of freedom which can spark mass hysteria and panic buying. Reports suggest that our supermarket shelves have been stripped of multivitamins, herbal teas, gloves, and other essential products. 

What is the motivation? Fear? Control? Buying into misinformation? Given the spread of misinformation and a rising sense of panic, it’s tempting to look for a quick fix. The truth is, there is no magic secret or a ‘healthy tablet’ that one can take to build up their immune system. It is the small lifestyle changes that lead up to big things. Most people know the basics, however, not many people follow them. These are washing your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds and avoid touching the face.

Today we are going to give you the blueprint for strengthening your immune system and staying healthy that will minimize the risk of you getting sick. 

Boost your immune system with these little lifestyle changes. 

Cortisol is the stress hormone that is caused by poor lifestyle choices day in and out. It is proven that over time, high cortisol levels can lower your resistance to fighting viruses and other bacteria that lead to disturbed sleep, weakness in the body, and high blood pressure.


Sleep is very crucial when we talk about stepping up your immunity. Studies indicate that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to fall sick after being exposed to any viruses (like flu, cold). 

During sleep, our immune system releases proteins like cytokines. The production of cytokines needs to increase when we have an infection or are under stress. Sleep deprivation can decrease the production of these protective cytokines and can delay your recovery time if you do get sick. “Prioritize your sleep” by creating a sleeping timetable (a fixed time when you will hit the bed, creating a comfortable environment by dimming lights and optimizing the room temperature and reducing screen time at least 1.5 hours before sleeping)


Meditation is proven to improve the overall quality of life. According to the study (Journal translational psychiatry, 2019), this includes an increased volume in certain brain regions; reduces anxiety and depression, and also strengthening immunity. 

Our immune system responds to both positive and negative thoughts, hence meditation creates a positive mental environment, which enables the immune system to flourish. Mindfulness meditation has also shown an increase in electrical activity in the prefrontal cortex that controls positive emotions, awareness, and anxiety. These also act as the command center for your immune system and when stimulated, they enhance the immune system to function more effectively.


Workout to work well.

We must engage in some sort of physical activity regularly to boost or self-esteem and energy levels. Exercise also causes changes in our antibodies and white blood cells (WBC are our bodies armor that helps fights diseases) and promotes them to circulate more rapidly and detect any illnesses at an early stage.

Regular exercise briefly raises our body’s temperature that may prevent bacteria from growing. This temperature rise aids our body in fighting any infection better by flushing bacteria out of the lungs and airways. We should incorporate a mix of cardio and strength training and can change up our routines by also adding a bit of yoga and light stretches.

Diet and Supplements 

“I believe in the power of immune-boosting foods” (WHO). Firstly try eating whole, unprocessed foods. This will have an overall impact on your healthy advancement.


Ginger is enriched with immune-boosting benefits. This should be a “go-to” ingredient in your daily diet. Ginger is antibacterial so it helps support the immune system. Studies show that it can also help to prevent nausea and soothe an upset stomach. Ginger is also a natural blood thinner and contains a phenolic anti-inflammatory compound called gingerol that may be responsible for relaxing blood vessels. Try adding fresh ginger to your meals, hot teas, or even fruit juices. 


Turmeric Is a super ingredient that should be added to your cold and flu prevention regimen. Turmeric is a natural way to boost your immune system by increasing the immunomodulation capacity of the body. Try adding extra turmeric into your diet during periods of stress or during flu season to help give your immune system a little boost.

 You will be surprised to know this but turmeric also contains natural antibacterial agents that make it the perfect super ingredient to promote quick healing and even relieve pain from the body. Studies also have backing evidence that turmeric can be an effective way to help reduce symptoms of depression. ‘Turmeric for Depression’ is nothing new for Chinese medicine and health practitioners. Turmeric consists of compounds that can stimulate the nervous system, by providing a positive effect on your overall mood and health.


Vitamin C is also known to strengthen the immune system. A study found that individuals who ate oranges every day for 30 days had a significant decrease in respiratory infection symptoms and an increase in overall lung capacity. 

Antioxidants are a key component of a healthy and nutritious diet. Vegetables and fruits that are high in antioxidants should be consumed regularly. It is proven that stress can lead to lowered immunity and can make you prone to illness; these foods will strengthen your immune system.

What steps do you take to strengthen your immunity when you’re stressed at work?

All Illustrations By NoortjeVeenhuizen


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