What To Say To Quit Your Job Properly

Considering Quitting Your Toxic Job? 

There is a lot of pressure to protect your reputation, avoid burning bridges and to leave on good terms.

Knowing what to say to whom is an essential step to quit your job gracefully.

To do this properly, you need to have context of the scenarios that may occur before preparing what you can say.

Read on to discover what to say to quit your job properly.


If you’re stuck in a toxic workplace, the cycle of abuse won’t stop when you say you’re quitting. It helps to think about what is likely to happen when you break the news. 

No doubt there is not much they can do anymore which is going to shock you, I mean you've probably seen it all. 

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You know who will be surprised though? Them.

They have gotten so used to the power they have over you it will be a rude shock when they are reminded, this is your life and that power will no longer apply to them because you are taking it back. 

This works to your advantage because you can prepare for their questions accordingly. 

I’ve listed some of the questions that are likely to pop up here. I haven’t even touched on the backhanded compliments and sideways remarks but you get the idea. There will be backlash but you will be prepared.

  • Why are you quitting?

  • What are you going to do next?

  • Is It True That… ?

  • Aww was It too much for you to handle?

  • But what about (colleague, project, promise, contract)

  • About time

  • I knew I wouldn’t last

  • You think you’re sooo…

  • Just look at you, no wonder…

  • Good luck with that!

You may also face various behavior changes in an attempt to regain power, some of their actions could include:


Cracking Down

  • Subtle digs may become overt threats

  • Team up and form united slander

  • Personal attacks to try and get under your skin one last time.

  • Attempts to sabotage your next job or reputation further.

Cold Shoulder

  • Giving you the cold shoulder and refuse to engage with you because they realise it’s game over.

  • Withholding relevant information from you and stop all forms of contact making your job difficult.

Nothing Changes

  • They continue to act the same, relishing in the last few days of bullying you while they can.

Maybe nothing has changed for them, but everything is changing for you.

Bonus Tip: It really helps to have a countdown or mantra to remind yourself the worst is almost over.

“I’m out in X days, very soon they will no longer have power over me.”

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of quitting?

Grab this free checklist with 25 essential tips to exit your job successfully.

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In order to make your closing statement have impactful, you need to give one clear and consistent story explaining why you're leaving.

Now you may be wondering why you need to give them a response at all? You don’t. You certainly don’t owe them anything.

But, if you don’t say anything someone else will say something on behalf of you.

This is dangerous as you want to put yourself in the best possible light in the lead up to your departure. 

When you craft your narrative, you get to decide what your closing statement will be. They are probably going to get creative with the truth anyway. They can go ahead. You have made it clear where you stand and have evidence to back it up.

Here are three key diversion tactics that you can say when quitting your job.

Use a Diversion Tactic. This is a PR media preparation strategy that is commonly used by politicians and celebrities. It’s a kind of circular argument that works in your favour.

Using this tactic to answer questions enables you to:

  • Persuade the listeners about your message.

  • Distract the listeners from their point.

  • Regain power over the narrative by directing the conversation back to your initial message.

  • If you’re stuck or cornered you can always go back to this.

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These do not have pronouns and can apply to almost any situation. Use generic phrases that anyone could say and no one can really refute. This shifts the conversation away from you, by making life, career or time as the subject. In this way, you are impersonalising the WHY in order to protect yourself.

  • It’s time for a change

  • Life is short, why not try something new.

  • Career paths are always shifting and evolving 

  • I see what you’re saying

  • We’ll see

  • I guess it’s hard to say

  • I can understand where you’re coming from

    *Agreeing with them is a great way to throw them off, along with non-conclusive answers such as

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Although this will momentarily throw them off you still need to provide a quick personal explanation. The key is not to be specific. Don’t mention names and use catch-all language.

You are saying WHAT but not going into HOW. The other thing to remember is to put a positive spin on it, it is harder to intentionally misinterpret your words when you have carefully framed them in a positive light.

Here are some reasons you may want to consider:

I look forward to spending more time with family
I’m ready for a change in career path
I’m interested in enhancing my skills
I’m focusing on my health and well-being.
I’ve always wanted to travel/try/explore, now is a great opportunity to start something new.

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Finally, you can use a vague dismissive statement that is positive but has underlying connotations which work in your favour.

This reminds them that the world is bigger than they are and while they have exerted power here, they do not have the same control elsewhere. More concerning for them, their reputation may be at risk.

I look forward to seeing how the company evolves

That’s great to hear, all the best.

It is such an intimate industry, no doubt we’ll bump into each other in the future, take care.

Good for you, it’s so important to pursue what makes you happy.

Consider crafting your own examples. No one knows your situation better than you so tailor your response accordingly. 

Want to leave your job on a high note?

Get this free checklist with 25 essential tips to quit your job successfully.

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Do’s & Don’ts

  • Don’t lie and say everything was golden when you dealt with the worst of it. But don’t openly complain or call out anyone. It doesn’t strengthen your case and it will only stir more drama at this stage. 

  • Don’t give them the satisfaction of being bothered continue to show your positivity for the future and leave it at that.

  • Do Be consistent with your message. This will make it harder to misinterpret and make it clear where you stand. 

  • Do simplify your message and skirt around the issue using the diversion formula. And finally do continue to work smart and maintain your professionalism. 

  • Don’t slack off. As tempting as it is to let it all go to hell; you need to continue to perform at your best till the very last day. 

  • The words you say matter. Choose carefully.

Now that we have that formula down, you can use this in the meeting with your boss. During the exit interview, for any written responses and casually when asked in the coffee room.

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of quitting?

Download this free checklist with 25 essential tips to exit your job successfully

All Artwork By Carla Llanos


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